About Me

IMG 0248I am an information technology professional with over 20 years of experience.  I started my career as a developer, building applications for small to large size companies.  About 10 years ago I started getting interested in the security space and have enjoyed that ever since.  I now practice security consulting full time and teach security related courses.

I am currently CEO of Jardine Software Inc.. and focus on providing Security Architecture, Penetration Testing and Training services. I also teach application security courses through DevelopSec, which is a part of Jardine Software.  I was also an instructor for SANS where I taught and helped co-author the DEV544: Secure Coding in .Net course.  I am very active in the security community, participating in and presenting at many conferences.

I am currently a co-host of two podcasts which I enjoy very much:

I was also a co-host on the Professionally Evil Perspective podcast – Professionally Evil Perspective – https://secureideas.libsyn.com.

In Addition to the blog on this site, I also regularly participate in professional blogs related to development and security:

My Resume can be found by clicking the link in the menu bar.  I am also building a list of resources which include presentations I have given as well as research I am conducting.